Hi friends! Tonee here with the Washington Redskins Cheerleaders, and I'm so excited to share with you all a little more about myself which will help you get to know me better...
1. What is your career outside of WRC?
Outside of cheerleading, I am a contractor for the federal government working in a building management office. In the office, I am an administrative assistant who primarily oversees that all building management operations comply with environmental, health and safety procedures.
2. How do you prioritize your time among all that you have going on? (job, WRC, free time, family/friends, etc.)
A day planner is a girl's best friend, or at least MY best friend! Not only do I work full-time, but I am also a student. I am currently pursuing my Master's degree in Corporate Finance, so prioritizing my time is very important. Without my day planner I am completely lost.
3. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
This year I was blessed to be able to travel to some beautiful places. I traveled to Iceland, Costa Rica, London and Paris, but if I could travel anywhere in the world, it would be Australia. I love water activities so learning to surf, while down under, is definitely a must for me!
4. Who's your personal hero?
My mom is my personal hero! She's by far the strongest woman I know. She's super intelligent and she constantly challenges me to think outside the box and understand different perspectives and ideals. She's the reason I strive to be the best person I can be each and every day. My mom means everything to me.
5. What outdoor activity do you like to do?
Well, I love to go on hikes and play beach volleyball. Although I don't get out as much as I would like to in the winter time, I also love to ski. Skiing is so scary, yet exhilarating at the same time!