Terry Roy
Vice President, Premium Client Services

Time at the Commanders: 1 year, 10 months
Describe what you do with the organization. What's your favorite part about what you do?
"My team and I oversee our suite book of business. We have about 200 suites in the building and about half of those are filled with annual suite partners, so some of our highest-spending accounts – companies, high net worth individuals – make up that group. My favorite part is providing curated, special experiences for these clients that maybe money can't buy – meeting the alumni, players and coaches for example, those cooler things that we can extend to them."
What inspires you to come to work each day?
"It's my people. It's my team. Because I'm a leader and I oversee a small team here, I love being able to invest in folks and figure out how we can achieve their specific individual goals together. I'm always thinking about my team, how I can get the most out of them and how I can help them accomplish what they want to accomplish. That's what gets me going every single day."
What's a work-related accomplishment that you're really proud of?
"Despite facing some headwinds, we were a department that hit our OKR (objectives and key results) this year. These were set out by Jason Wright and leadership and included stabilizing the suites business and doubling our contractually obligated income. I'm really proud of this group for working hard and fighting through those challenges, and I'm sure it's only going to grow next year."
What motivated you to want to join the B.E.N. leadership team?
"For me it's about looking to pull other minorities forward who are fighting to rise the ranks in sports. I think back to when I joined the Commanders and how Jason was the only African American president in the NFL. He was one of the aspirational people that looked like me, that I could relate to, and that just really stuck with me. Being in the role I'm at here, I'm asking myself, 'how can I extend mentorship?' or 'how can I extend leadership?' to help this next generation in a way similar to what Jason did for me."
What is a current, past or future B.E.N. project or initiative that has excited you?
"I'm really excited about building out our mentorship arm across the organization. Through a program, I'd love to have our leaders spend a few minutes of their time with young rising stars and provide some advice on career growth, best practices, goal setting, whatever it may be. We have some tremendous leaders across the board here, and I think we have a young workforce that's generally pretty new, so something like that I think will really go a long way." "With B.E.N. I want to help establish bridges between groups who may look different or come from a different place. Maybe it's fun programming or mixers, just creating an environment where people feel comfortable talking to those they might not have felt comfortable talking to otherwise."