Each of the three Redskins rookie defensive backs will take turns writing a daily diary on Redskins.com. To ask your question, tweet at them for next time.
Hey Redskins Nation, how's everybody doing? It was great to see so many of you out here for Fan Appreciation Day and I don't think I've ever been so proud to rock the burgundy and gold.
Yesterday was an off day for everyone, and it was a well-timed break. Training camp has been physical this week and the classroom work has been intense, so it was nice to get a quick break before Tennessee.
People have been tweeting at me asking how I spend some of my down time, and I want you guys to know that you're talking to the team's finest gamer.
Sometimes just to relax, I go beat a few guys in 2K sports. I take all challengers but I really have no challengers because no one can beat me. I have been crowned the best.
There's only a few gamers on the team like Orakpo, Aldrick, Trent, Chip and all the wide receivers. I've beaten pretty much all the gamers on the team, though. There's no one left for me to beat.

And it doesn't matter who I play as either--I play as the Knicks, Clippers, sometimes the Wizards. I'm OK with anyone, and I can make it work.
I probabaly shouldn't share, but here are the keys to my virtual basketball success: everyone likes to shoot 3's so I play a zone defense. On the other end of the court, I make all my 3's. It's actually pretty simple.
In case you haven't been able to tell so far, I'm a pretty random person off the field. I don't get caught up in what people think, so I'm not afraid to sing, and I do some dances and stuff.
I sound good to myself but I may not sound good to the public. I wear what I want, and I love Jordan's and Nike. I like Levi's and True Religion jeans.
The best music out there right now is some of the calmer R&B. I'm pretty into Drake right now. He's the best out right now for me. I listen to a little bit of everything like I've heard a bit of everyone's music.
Most guys hate country, and I can handle what I've heard of it. It's cool, so I can vibe to it, but I probably won't seek it out.
Another thing that people don't know is that I never put in headphones before a game. I say a little prayer to myself to remind me why I play the game. I don't really get too amped before a game; I get calm before the storm hits.
For stadium music, you don't really want to hear any slow music going into it, so I like the high tempo music, maybe club music. I'm pretty calm though, no matter what the situation is.
The thing I miss most about college right now is just the familiarity of the teammates and all my friends I grew up with. Football has always been fun, but it's a lot more business-oriented now.
I still love the game and have fun, but I miss the fans that I grew up with and my friends. I'm about 3,000 miles away from all them now, but I'm here to make them proud.
Without a doubt, the biggest shock about East Coast football is the humidity. It's a lot more humid out here than in California.
Sometimes, I check the humidity in Cali, and it's about 10 or five percent. Then I check Ashburn, and it says 85 percent, and I'm like 'Golly.'
It's over 100 degrees where I live, but it's dry heat. I can't even really complain though. It's been nice in Richmond so far, and hopefully will be through the end of next week!
I need to get back to the books, but tweet your questions at me (@PhilMe16) so I can give you the scoop for next time. HTTR!