Although I wish it were so, dancing and working as a Washington Redskins Cheerleader is not my only job. After working a standard "nine-to-five" and then some as a public tax accountant, hunched over a computer and squinting at screens and numbers, often times my body isn't necessarily as enthusiastic as my brain wants it to be to go to practice in the evenings. But when I get to the cheerleader locker room at FedEx Field and grab an Element Water from our fully stocked fridge, I'm confident that it will give me exactly the energy I need to go work it on the dance floor in practice.
As strange as it is true, water is my absolute favorite beverage to drink. And that is one of the best things about Element Water - it tastes exactly like water - no added sweeteners or sugars! It is refreshing, hydrating, and the best part is the added tasteless caffeine and theanine for extra energy and concentration. Other drinks may leave you feeling full or with your thirst unsatiated, but Element Water is perfect for me - I can absolutely say that I have noticed a difference in my energy and performance level after discovering this water. Just what I need to stay on top of my game... both on the football field and in the office!