Hey Skins fans! Kristie here from days 7 and 8 on our amazing journey through the Middle East. This base was energetic and fun right off the bat! The airmen and soldiers here really had an extra special affection for football. Colonel Daniels told us that football season "always brings a complete change to the morale of the base." It was incredible how much the men and women enjoyed us here!
We were able to do a lot of fun things while we were here. I think we stopped at about every camp on base. At Firehouse #1, Charo and I got to compete on teams in a "Fireman's Tug of War" with the guys. The object was to get the bucket, secured by a rope above us, past the flag by pushing it with opposing fire hoses. Charo's team took home the W this time. I will be looking for a rematch though. So watch out!
Our second day was filled with tours and talking with as many troops as possible. We closed out the night with our show. The airmen and soldiers had an overwhelming response! I think it's safe to say they had a pretty good time. To end the night we played sports trivia Jeopardy, watched college football and played some fooseball with everyone who came out.
We will keep you updated on the rest of our journey!