We're here at the amazing Fort Drum Army Base, 70 miles north of Syracuse, New York. Emerald, Judy, Maigan, Maya, Michele, Talmesha and I arrived late last night/ this morning around 2 a.m. and after a few hours of sleep we began our journey. Today was full of fun and excitement. We ate breakfast with some of the troops where we got to know a little bit about them, their lives and what they do. We shared life stories and experiences.
After breakfast we popped in on a combatives tournament where individuals went head to head and toe to toe demostrating suspenseful military sparing. The most interesting match included a woman named Alyssa. She competed against a man in the light weight division and dominated! Girl Power!
After being inspired by Alyssa's amazing super human strength, we visited the USO recreation center where an X-Box Madden tournament was taking place. After hours of games and falling gamers, we finally had two top players: Jordan and Tui, going head to head for the Super Bowl victory and bragging rights. The game was intense and both men played fearlessly against each other with the support of their own personal team of cheerleaders cheering them on. It was a tight game but Jordan took the lead and claimed the Super Bowl victory.
It's almost 11:30 p.m. We've eaten dinner and it's time for bed. Tomorrow is our performance and the end of this amazing journey is fast approaching. I can't wait to see what new adventures tomorrow brings!