On Friday July 27, 2012, from 7-10pm, theWashington Redskins Cheerleaders in conjunction with WOW (Women of Washington Redskins), will host their annual Calendar Premiere Party at Pose Untralounge inside the Gaylord National Resort! This exclusive eventfeatures the entire squad together in performances, a fashion show, and more!This is the first chance for fans to purchase the 2012-2013 Washington RedskinsCheerleader swimsuit calendar and get it autographed by every member of thesquad! The cheerleaders will mix and mingle with fans as well as model fashionsfrom 7 For All Mankind, South Moon Under, and Elizabeth St John Collections! Room packages and a limitednumber of event only tickets are available only in advance at www.GaylordNational.com/Redskins or by calling (301) 965-4000.