Hello again Redskins family, friends, and fans…
Wow where has the time gone? I still remember the day I first stepped into our rehearsal studio! I can honestly say being a part of this family has truly helped me grow into the woman I am now. The idea of knowing that I may never run out of that helmet with 38 other pair of poms shaking in the air is making my heart jump. It has been such a huge part of my life and it is hard to let go. But I know it is time to start the next chapter in my life and I will be taking everything that I have learned to the west coast. As I take the next dance journey I hope I still have all you wonderful fans support and love.
Right now I am at a point in time where I see my life as a puzzle. Once you gain all the pieces, the question is where and how do they fit? My family, friends, fans, my Kickrocks crew sisters, and WRC sisters are all my various pieces. Everything that I have done could not have happened without you all. I guess I can say my puzzle is pretty big because not one piece overrules the other. Every piece is gigantic and if I were to lose one then it wouldn't be complete. I am so grateful to have you all be connected in one way or another in my puzzle, in my life.
To my beautiful WRC sisters - Words can't express how I feel about you ladies. You are such an amazing group of women; strong, driven, and inspirational. Having the variety of women, from all different career levels to dance ability, has changed my way of thinking. I take what I have studied from you all and make it my own. Remember the team is your team - You all make it how you want to make it. I finally figured out that it is this that brings the team closer, even though Rookies may not think so at the time. I have created memories that I will never forget, so many that I could probably write a book. I can't wait to visit and see what the team will become!
To my WRC mothers Stephanie, Jamilla, and Vihky - All I can say is Thank you. Thank you to Stephanie, for always believing in me and pushing the team to be better. Thank you to Jamilla for putting in the dedication you do for the Redskins and for the First Ladies. And thank you to Vihky for being the most real and honest person I know. We couldn't be the best without the best leading us. A soldier isn't going to follow an officer if they feel they aren't fit for battle and I will follow any one of you front lines ready to go! Thank you for being those powerful women I can look up to.
Lastly, I just want to say thank you to the Redskins! Thank you for being such an incredible organization and allowing me to have so many different experiences and opportunities. I will always cherish every moment I have had with this team.
Love Always,