Hey There Redskins FANS!!!!!
This is Soldenise, writing to you from the beautiful Island of Aruba! So, while everyone was sleeping, I was up at 3 a.m. to begin preparations for my shoot that was scheduled for 6 a.m.! Preparation started with hair followed by make-up, while all along wondering how I should acessorize my sexy bikini? 6 a.m. quickly rolled around, and I found myself at the entrance of the beautiful Radisson Resort Casino and Spa on a huge rock! To give you a sneak peak at the details of my shoot, all I will say is "Gold." My shoot lasted about half an hour, and after preparing for this day for several months I have to say I feel great. The strict meal plans, and 5 a.m. workouts definitely paid off. A very special thanks to everyone from the resort staff, photographers, make-up artists, hair stylists, and WRC management for being so helpful and supportive! Our Glam Squad is on full effect! Who will shoot next.....stay tuned to read about it! HAIL!!

A sneak peek of Soldenise from this morning... which pose will make the calendar? Find out later this Summer!