Hey Redskins fans! Have you ever tried to find a balance of good, natural hydration while still looking for that extra boost in energy for your workout? Coffee, energy drinks, and energy shots start to take a toll on your body after awhile and it just feels like you've exhausted all of your options, literally. Well one of our newest sponsors, Element™, has been a really refreshing change to see in our locker room. Walking in before practice and seeing our refridgerator fully stocked with this new, innovative beverage has been a wonderful surprise to say the least!
This new brand of water is a combination of purified water, natural caffeine, and purified theanine. The breakdown of ingredients a little less complicated than it may seem, and tastes just like water with no added flavors. The natural caffeine is extracted from green coffee beans supplying each bottle with 50mg, which is equal to a small cup of coffee or a bottle of diet soda. The purified theanine is found in green tea leaves and when combined with caffeine it enhances our focus, concentration, and cognitive performance. Simply put, Element™ gives active people like ourselves the hydration required for healthy sustenance and muscle recovery as well as the added energy and motivation to keep us going through those hard workouts.
Let me give you an example…
In the locker room getting ready to head out for our big performance to welcome our newest quarterback draft pick, Robert Griffin III, I went running up to the door excited and ready to go! My teammates looked at me, wondering where I got all of this energy from and it dawned on me that I just guzzled an entire bottle of Element™! Sometimes people believe the placebo effect is really what is supplying our bodies and brains with the energy we crave so frequently, but Element™ really seems to work; its magic!
See you on the sidelines!

Lindsey, Michele, Tiana and Soldenise drinking Element at the 2012-2013 WRC Auditions!