While the season on the field has come to an end for the Redskins, The First Ladies of Football are busier than ever! This year kicks off with multiple overseas tours to visit the men and women who serve our country, as well as a special visit here at home on Super Bowl Sunday.
Co-Captain Susan embarks on a 6 day tour to Asia with professional cheerleaders from other NFL teams, including the Raiders, Vikings, Buccaneers, Saints, and Chiefs. Lee, a rookie who is headed on her first overseas tour, and Kristie, will venture to Africa at the end of this month. This is the second time in less than a year that the ladies will have visited a base in Africa. "I am thrilled to have the opportunity to go on my second tour of the season!" Kristie said. "Traveling throughout Southeast Asia this past summer was truly a life changing experience and I am honored to have been chosen for a second tour to Africa, where we will be entertaining the troops during the Super Bowl!"
Another six cheerleaders, Emerald, Judy, Michele, Truly, Tena, and Maya, are off on a 14 day tour to visit bases throughout Europe and the Middle East. Michele, who just completed her second season as a Redskins Cheerleader, was thrilled to be selected to represent the team. "I am so fortunate that I was selected to travel overseas for the second time this year to visit our troops. This past September, I had such an amazing experience in Djibouti, Africa visiting with the men and women serving our country and I'm extremely delighted to be going on my second tour to entertain our troops in 5 more countries. Representing the Redskins Cheerleaders, I will have visited 4 continents in less than a year!"
Back on the home front, and for the second year in a row, the First Ladies will head to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Super Bowl Sunday to watch the game with wounded warriors and give their thanks for their service to our country. Brianne, a second year cheerleader who attended last year's party, said "I've had the honor to go to Walter Reed four times in my two years as a cheerleader and after each visit I walk away with more appreciation for our service men and women. A Super Bowl party is in no way enough thanks for what they have given up and given to us, but to help put smiles on their faces is a great start!"
Be sure to stay tuned to redskins.com plus the First Ladies official Facebook (facebook.com/washingtonredskinscheerleaders) and Twitter pages (@1stLadiesOfFB) for blogs, photos, and firsthand accounts from the cheerleaders on their experiences supporting our armed forces.

The First Ladies in Africa in 2011.