Hi Redskins Nation,
Jaclyn here reporting to you live from…Asia! I am incredibly fortunate to be traveling with ProTour Productions and Armed Forces Entertainment to JAPAN!! …which happens to be WRC Azusa's beautiful home country. Not only am I blessed to be able to go on a military appreciation tour overseas, but I also am here with cheerleaders and mascots from other NFL teams!
Our ProTour group flew into Tokyo and then took another plane to Iwakuni, Japan, where we stayed a few nights on base. On our first day, Monday, we visited different squadrons on base and a few flight lines who were so diligently working on their aircraft. We also visited the Marine Corps fighter fighters who challenged some of us to a competition to see who could put on their gear the fastest. Being the proud sister of a fire fighter back in Virginia Beach (hey Vincent!), I have been fortunate to take tours of a lot of different fire trucks. What I found most interesting about the fire trucks in Japan were the unique outer designs of the trucks acquired from the Japanese. In Iwakuni we also met many of the military families and even some of the local elementary school's cheerleaders! What a joy to see them do an impromptu performance for us. Everyone here is so warm and welcoming.

After visiting Iwakuni we traveled to the other side of the country to Sasebo, Japan. When we arrived we pulled up right by the water …how gorgeous. After our meet and greet, we held a cheer clinic for the local kids. Boy was that fun! Kids pf all ages, both male and female, came and learned routines from us NFL cheerleaders. What I loved most about the clinic was seeing how much fun everyone had and how brave the kids were for stepping outside of their shell and performing in front of others. That takes tremendous courage and confidence.
Our group of cheerleaders and mascots come from the Washington Redskins (of course #HTTR), the Los Angeles Rams, the Cincinnati Bengals, the Denver Broncos, the Atlanta Falcons, the Arizona Cardinals, the Indianapolis Colts, and our fellow NFC East team, the Philadelphia Eagles. People always ask me if there is rivalry between the various NFL cheerleading teams. Nope! We all get along well and love to celebrate both our differences and our many commonalities. This group already holds such a special place in my heart. Not only are we bringing a little piece of home to the service men, women and families overseas, but we' have also been helping one another grow tremendously as individuals. Our ProTour Productions tour manager, former caption and Pro Bowl cheerleader for the Tennessee Titans, Anne, has been amazing and has been facilitating us in diving deeper into being the best versions of ourselves we can be so that we can also show up as our best selves for others. Wow. I cannot emphasize enough what an honor it is to be here. Thank you Redskins Nation for allowing me to represent our organization halfway across the world.

Now I'm off to…..South Korea! Stay tuned for more from Korea.
IG: @wrc_jaclyn