's Jake Kring-Schreifels provides five takeaways from Terrelle Pryor's press conference at the Bon Secours Washington Redskins Training Center in Richmond, Va.
1. He's still working on the nuances of wide receiver.
Not nearly the polished receiver he would like to be, Pryor said Monday that there's still a few areas of his game he wants to sure up as he learns more from his practices and wide receivers coach Ike Hilliard. One of those areas is making sure that he stays close to cornerbacks in his routes, helping him create better separation when he pivots his footing.
"I really want to keep on getting better at staying closer to the defender and not leaving space, because then leaving space kind of gives the corner an opportunity to guess and judge what your route is going to be and also gives them a chance to push you to the sideline," Pryor said. "So I want to stay a little closer and be a little more personal in their personal space and I want to keep working on that."
Pryor said that staying consistent in the way he runs his routes will help deke defenders more, not giving them tells as to whether he is running a deep post pattern or a hook, for example.
"Beating the defender and having better hips, keeping my hips loose," Pryor said. "Stretching all the time. Doing late night glute workouts and stuff like that every night. Those things start to add on and it separates from other people or the defenders."
2. His social media workout videos set an example for kids that follow him.
Pryor has spent his offseason showing off dedication to his craft on his Instagram and Twitter accounts, which display highlights of his workouts – as many as 20 clips per day. When asked about their purpose, why he makes sure to post even the most rote parts of his daily routine, Pryor had an inspiring message.
"It's important to me, you know, the way I work and I think it's [that] you're working so hard, why not show some people?" Pryor said. "Like I said before, when you go and have an excellent season or do some great things, people know why. Little kids know why. Maybe that'll get kids outside to work out more and work hard – people that look up to me, people that I inspire. So I think that's another reason that's a little deeper for me.
"There's so many kids in the streets nowadays, and poverty and people that are trying to find a way out," he added. "So many kids… I can walk anywhere, anywhere I go, kids come up to me. When people see you on the internet, see you on social media – because that's all there is nowadays, kids are always on social media and hopefully when they are looking at me, they are like, 'I want to go work hard. That inspires me to go do some great things.' I can pull out my phone and show you my direct messages on Twitter and stuff like that and people just say, 'Man, you inspire me. You posting that video today inspired me.' That's all I want to do. I want to try to do something to make the world better."
3. His transition to receiver seems easy but was filled with hard work.
It would appear that Pryor's size alone might be enough to make last year's breakout season at wide receiver not too surprising. But Pryor attested that it didn't come easy. With just a month to prepare for his new position after being cut by the Bengals, Pryor sought training with a private coach to make sure his body movements were as crisp as they could be in the limited amount of time he had.
The Washington Redskins offense conducted their third day of training camp practice Saturday, July 29, 2017 at Bon Secours Washington Redskins Training Center in Richmond, Va.

"Countless hours…I mean, countless hours," Pryor said of his training. "I'm talking about three hours. Tim Cortazzo, my trainer, he spent three, four hours a day, not just outside running routes but also going indoors running around cones because I really didn't know how to handle my body, I didn't know how to adjust my body, I didn't know how to take control of myself."
Pryor says he's now at a point where he can control his body and knows what he wants to do with the defender in front of him. "I know how to stare at the guy in his eyes and make him think that I'm doing something else and then try to do something else," Pryor said. "That's what I continue to get better at, stuff like that."
*4. He loves Jay Gruden as a head coach. *
What has made Pryor's transition to a new team in Washington so much smoother can be attributed mostly to head coach Jay Gruden. Pryor had heard good things about him from wide receiver Andrew Hawkins, who played for Gruden in Cincinnati, then from some former Redskins players, and their word has held true.
Pryor appreciates Gruden's sense of humor, first and foremost, calling him "funny as hell," and a player's coach who ranks up with some of the best he's had in just his brief stint with the team.
"I love talking to the guy," Pryor said. "We talk a lot. I love… I just enjoy him. I enjoy being around him. I can't wait to get to meetings to hear him talk because he's just so funny. And, you know, you're tired, your legs are tired, but it's good to have a coach that's amused and he's a team's and a player's coach. You know, it's a blessing to have a coach like that."
Pryor also loves to spend time with quarterback Kirk Cousins, someone he's constantly bugging to pick his brain about all kinds of things.
"We're always having conversations on the side," Pryor said. "I just think just the way I work, I try to pride myself in being a loyal guy, so I really want to be there or I really want to talk and communicate. I want to understand you and I want to understand what you like. I ask a lot of questions, so I feel like any time you ask questions of somebody and you know it's trying to benefit yourself, like 'I'm trying to benefit you, Kirk. I'm telling you right here I'm loyal to you.'"
5. Every minute is an opportunity to improve his game.* *
As you can tell by the way Pryor posted workout videos to his different social media accounts, nearly every day of the offseason has been devoted to perfecting his craft. Pryor is a machine in this way, constantly aware that any free time he has can be spent bettering his skills.
"I try not to put a limit on myself," Pryor said. "I just want to go out every day and just become the best person, the best player, best father and best teammate I can be. And that's how I live my life. I work out. You guys see videos I post for fans and stuff. I work out 2-3 times by myself a day. I catch jugs, I catch 400 jugs a day, I catch 400 balls a day. It's just who I am."
A recent example came during walkthroughs, as Pryor recounted speaking with Vernon Davis about route running while they stood around waiting for their turn. Later he mentioned how his mindset changed even more drastically while working out with Antonio Brown this summer.
"From a receiver standpoint, I didn't really know what the 'little things' were until I started working out with Antonio Brown," Pryor said. "When I talk about a freak mind – like a weirdo freak in terms of everything has to be perfect – watching Antonio work out, it just changed my whole mindset of how you're supposed to be as a wideout. It's just the little details. I was telling you guys earlier, he'll do three, four reps in a row and then he'll take a break because that next rep he wants that to be 100 percent and he wants it to be perfect. And that's all you want to do is chase perfection and that's what I'm looking forward to and I'm just going to continue to grow from that standpoint."