The Washington Redskins Cheerleaders & Redskins Alumni players will bring lots of "cheer" to our servicemen and women during the holiday on two tours to Southwest Asia with Armed Forces Entertainment and Geico Military. Fourteen First Ladies of Football, and three Redskins Alumni Players, Mike Nelms, Ricky Sanders, & Reggie Branch will travel to visit our servicemen & women while on deployment. From the Balkans to Honduras to Irag & Afghanistan, the Redskins Cheerleaders & Redskins Alumni players take pride in bringing a piece of home to them from our Nation's Capital.

Follow us on our social media accounts, and check back for behind the scenes from our Military Appreciation Tours:
Facebook – Washington Redskins Cheerleader
Twitter - @1stLadiesOfFB
Instagram - @1stLadiesOfFB
Snapchat – RedskinsSnap
Cheers & Happy Holidays,
Your First Ladies of Football & Redskins Alumni