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G Sam Cosmi | 'I feel super blessed'

Sam Cosmi signs four year extension with the Washington Commanders on September 4th, 2024.
Sam Cosmi signs four year extension with the Washington Commanders on September 4th, 2024.

Washington Commanders offensive guard Sam Cosmi addressed the media on Sept. 4. Here is a full transcript of the press conference.

On how he feels after the extension and on how it came together:
"I feel super blessed. First and foremost, I just want to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for just blessing me and giving me and my family this blessing. Without him, none of this would be possible, so, I want to just first and foremost say that. And then, my family, my parents. They came from, I'm first generation here. This is a huge thing, just for me and my family to have this opportunity to work towards this. And they came to this country with just the backpack and the shirts on the back. So, to do something like this and for them to give me this opportunity is huge. I just want to thank my family and everybody who was involved throughout this whole process and the way I feel, I'm just super blessed. I'm so super grateful and it just makes me want to work even harder. I'm thankful to this organization. I'm thankful for the people that were involved into this. [Excel Sports Management Agent] Ryan, [Tollner] told him, my agent, he was awesome through this. And then AP [General Manager Adam Peters] and all the guys on this part. I'm just thankful to everybody that was involved in this for sure."

On how long he's been thinking about an extension:
"We talked early on, I think sometime in February. And we didn't get the ball rolling, there's a lot of stuff they had to work on here. So, we didn't get the ball rolling until three weeks ago or something like that. So, I'm happy it's done. I'm happy, I just wanted to focus on beating Tampa Bay and get this out of the back of my head and go out there and play free. Like I said, a huge blessing to be able to do that now. Today's practice was really good. So, to get that weight lifted off my shoulders."

On how much moving to guard changes things for him:
"I had to essentially learn a new position. I think the great part about this is I just feel like my trajectory's just going [up]. I feel way more comfortable this year. You could see the tape from last year as each game progressed, I felt like I was more and more fitting that role. And I had a mentality of being one of the best guards in the league every time I stepped on the field, practice, walk through on the game, during the game. So, that mentality will not change. That mentality will be even more motivation to be one of the best guards in this league. And I'm grateful that they were able to see that. Watch the tape, see that, and just see how training camp, all this stuff went. To see what type of player I was and am."
* On if the thought of a possible extension had been weighing on him:*
"No, not really. I'm a big believer in coming to work and working hard, and all the rest will sort itself out. So, if I don't really think about this stuff, I don't have a lot of things to stress me out that don't need my time to worry about. I was able to do that, put together a really good training camp, felt great coming out of it, and feel really good going into the season. So, I'm just excited for that.

On if he had any ill feelings when he switched from tackle to guard:
"No, so at the time I talked to [Former Head] Coach [Ron] Rivera and I got in his office and I said, 'Hey coach, where do you see me this year?' And he said, 'Right there by guard', I said, 'Let's go for it,' Next couple days we signed [T] Andrew [Wylie] and I just went full steam ahead when it came to that. And the practices were huge for me. Practicing hard every day, especially at that new position and doing what I needed to do to improve every week and being my biggest critique on everything I did. Like I said, it just helped me get better each and every week. So, if I take that philosophy every day, like I've been doing, the sky's limit for me."

On what he's seen in prep for Tampa Bay:
"High blitzing team, very talented. They have a lot of good players. Made the playoffs last year, did really good during that time. They're really overall, really solid team. It's going to be a good matchup. We're expecting a fist fight and we're going to do everything we can to get be the ones on top."

On how it feels to have financial security:
"Yeah, it's just weird. Even my rookie contract, that's still a lot of money to me. Yeah, it's way abundantly more money, but from that aspect you separate the money from the job. You still got to do your job. So, I have a lot of people, high expectations for me, fan base and my whole family and everybody that's part of that. It's more of a legacy now. I'm going to try to build individually for myself, also for like team success. They were fortunate enough to see me as a building block for this new regime to go forward. And I'm the first one to get extended and I find that as a privilege and honor to be that first guy."

On the keys to keep QB Jayden Daniels clean on Sunday:
"Like I said, they're like the third highest blitzing team from what I've heard. Just going based off our rules, our game plan, and just over communicating. Just being abundantly of communication when it comes to what we see out there, in the film room, on practice field, those type of things. And the thing is about this unit, we got a lot of smart guys on this unit, a lot of guys that know ball and can see things working out and before it happens type of thing."

On if an extension not getting done would have messed with him mentally during the season:
"Like I said, no because I got a job to do. I'm just going to go do my job. I just don't allow those thoughts to kind of enter my mind. It is like a weight off my shoulders type of thing. But at the same time, I have responsibilities, I have to have to do. And like I treated last year to this year, I want to be one of the best. So, I'm going to be working towards that."

On the team's future:
"Yeah, I'm really excited for what this team's future has ahead. I think AP is really putting together something special, and DQ [Head Coach Dan Quinn.] I'm excited to be a part of it. It's so much different from the past three years that I've been here. And so to feel that, the atmosphere is just different. And you can just see that, I think everybody sees it. So, we need to put it together this season, and I think we will. And I think we've got the guys to do it. So, I'm excited for the season."

On his mindset of wanting to work harder following his new contract:
"Yeah, I got to prove it every day to get through the contract. I mean, yeah, there's all sorts of things, little details that go, but I have to prove it every single day. It's not like I'm just going to, 'Hey, I made it, I've arrived.' That's not the case. I still got to prove each and every day, and again, I take pride in who I am. The name on the back of my jersey is a huge thing for me. To represent that and do that, my dad always told me it's however [much] you put in is what you're going to get out. I'm just going to keep grinding, keep doing what I'm doing, and everything else will come with it."

On what made him want to stay in Washington:
"Like I said, I really like what AP and DQ are doing. Obviously, [Managing Partner Josh] Mr. Harris is putting a lot of money and investing into the team and doing all that, and we see that as well. I just feel like we have a lot of tools to the belt now and people that really care about this football team and this is a place that you want to be. And again, I think we got a special, special dude that I got to protect and very talented. And that makes me excited to be here for hopefully for the next four years, or five years [laugh]. Yeah, I'm excited for all those things."

On if he allows himself to think about personal goals:
"Yeah, a hundred percent. If the team's successful, then you'll have the success. I think last year was a prime example. I think I played at an All-Pro level last year, being the first time, I was playing guard and stuff like that, an All-Pro and Pro Bowl level. But we all know there's a little bit of politics that comes into that and depending on how good your team is. You look at [San Francisco], [Philadelphia], the [Kansas City] Chiefs and stuff like that. How many Pro Bowls alternates, All-Pros that those guys have? A ton, and that's because of the team's success. So, if the team is successful, everybody else will be successful."

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