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HC Dan Quinn | 'Comparison is the thief of joy'


Washington Commanders head coach Dan Quinn addressed the media on Tuesday after the team's 38-33 win over the Cincinnati Bengals. Here is a full transcript of the press conference.

Opening Statement:
"Hey, what's up everybody? We can finally get going, I know people are calling from all over so let's get to it. I thought, thinking through for today, one of the most challenging things for a young team to do is not to ride the rollercoaster. And that's not easy because the rollercoasters are fun as hell. But you can't ride the highs and the lows, because both can be equally dangerous. So, [the] team came out here last night, right from Cincinnati. So, it's, to me, worked out perfectly to stay right in this pocket. No outside voices of highs or lows, and our pocket is all about proving it. It's about competing, about improvement. So, it was awesome last night, a big road win. I wanted to enjoy it. But here, none of us are buying that ticket for a rollercoaster today. So, our focus is on improvement and getting to Arizona, that's why I think it is cool to be here together and we just kind of get to stay connected to that while we're here over the next four or five days to get ready to go play. So, all that said, I'll be glad to open it up to you guys, I know Charlie will moderate through and we'll get it rocking."

On an update for RB Austin Ekeler:
"Yeah, so Austin had a concussion and also a laceration on his ear. So, he went back to Virginia today to begin the concussion protocol. So, I'll have more info as it goes towards the end of the week, but instead of coming out here to Arizona he went back home to Virginia to begin that process."

On Offensive Coordinator Kliff Kingsbury taking ideas from players and if he knew about that trait before hiring him:
"No, I definitely didn't know that prior, but I think I can only speak for myself like, man, I've learned a hell of a lot from players and I think there's also some trust that goes into that. Because if a player's generally recommending a concept or an idea, you can be sure that play's going to likely work because they have a thought and a reason behind it. So, it's not uncommon. I'm not surprised that Kliff leans into some of the guys, that's asking, 'What about this scenario or this play.' I know I certainly have done it through the years and it's a good way to grow."

On subtle plays that stood out from QB Jayden Daniels against Cincinnati:
"Yeah, I would say there was probably a blitz check that we didn't have on that he saw and recognized, and through the screen outside to create a different play that was more advantageous into that spot. So, that would be one that sticks out to me. I thought there was a good slide, so we threw a pool party for that. And lots of other things, but he just really played a remarkable game. And I definitely understand our fan base has been waiting for the franchise QB, but I also don't want Jayden feeling any ghosts. Making sure he understands there's only one name on the back of that jersey, and that's for him. And I don't want any comparison or any of the other stuff. I think it was the [Former President of the United States] Teddy Roosevelt quote, 'Comparison is the thief of joy.' And I agree with Jayden on that. And I don't want to compare him to anybody but him, and because he is still growing. And quite honestly, I can't wait to see who he's becoming. He had a remarkable game, and I was really, really proud of him. But there were a lot of little instances like that when you played well that come up. But that was the first one that came to mind was I guess the zero blitz check on a bad play to get the team into a better play."

On where Daniels has progressed and on Daniels keeping his eyes up throughout the play:
"Yeah, I think for him and for the team, that's what I expect us to do, to improve as we're going. But, yeah, remaining a passer a little longer outside the pocket, there's added value to that. Now the person has to stay into coverage, and then if you do cross the line, you get your chances. But remaining a passer and going, taking your shot, when to, when not to, those are the things that jump out to me. I keep using the word "poise", and I wish, a lot of you on here are a lot smarter than me, you could find a better word than poised, but it's what I keep coming back to. Because he's kind of always down for almost anything, like in the moment. And I wish you guys could be on the sidelines. Sometimes the bigger the challenge for him, the bigger the smile and he just has that way about him. And I've really felt that over the last couple weeks, and I thought it some in the preseason when we were going through, getting ready, but it was a small sample size. But when you're in the end of the game to have a good chance to win it, and you are smiling because you know you're ready and you've been in that space, that's one of the things that I love about him."

On T Brandon Coleman's performance against Cincinnati Bengals DE Trey Hendrickson and on his role moving forward:
"Yeah, we kind of continued to try to balance him up a little more as we're going to go, but we knew that was going to be one of the factors inside. To make sure Hendrickson can't ruin the game. I believe he got inside on one late, that got the sack and created the negative yards. But by and large, I felt Brandon's kind of technique and energy, all the things when you're missing some time, start coming back into play. So, we've been impressed and the arrow's definitely going up."

On the feeling from a defense after solid execution but still giving up a big play:
"Yeah, those ones, that's a tough play because the quarterback has to stay in there knowing he's going to get hit, but if you throw it too early, you probably wouldn't deliver the ball in the right spot. And it's still a tough pass to put into that spot. But for those of us who've been around Ashburn, we've seen that connection happen. We've seen it to go. So, although maybe over the first two weeks we didn't, we thought that would be something there. But that was a time where we said we wanted to go try to win the game on that play. And you don't necessarily hit that on the first quarter into that play, but when there is a chance to go for it those are two that you'd want to select to go for it."

On the accountability process for the team to decrease the number of penalties between this week and last week:
"Yeah, you're right because they were in the redzone as well. And I think that drastically affected us, having chances to go put points on the board to go. So, to go into a loud environment, I thought the offensive line and Jayden did a good job of changing up cadences, the different ways that they go through silence. So yeah, we were bummed that we got a few late to put us into a long yardage, one to fight back in, to go for it on fourth down with [TE] Zach [Ertz]. But yeah, those are the ones, if we can get rid of the pre-snap and those are the ones, or post-snap, those are the ones that we're going to dig hard for. We know at times there could be a [pass interference] or an aggressive play that takes place, but those are the ones that we were really pleased with. The guys worked hard on the silent cadence. We knew going to Cincinnati on a Monday night, it was going to be an electric environment, and it was, but we did work hard on that this week. And I think it kind of goes back to the story, if you put all the work in during the week when you get to the moment, you can really let it rip."

On what he still wants to see more of to get to the brand of football they want to play:
"Yeah, I thought first off, a couple things that I liked. Offensively, I loved us taking care of the ball and not allowing Cincinnati to have extra possessions. As a whole team, you go through for the game plan, what's going to be important and what we'll decide to game. And we really thought the football would, that we couldn't give extra possessions to Cincinnati. And so by having the mindfulness to take care of it, that was really big. I loved the energy that the special teams brought in covering kicks. I thought Austin's return to start the second half was huge, to swimming some momentum, change field position. The things that we'd like to see more of are more explosive plays offensively. Defensively, we've got to be able to create some takeaways to get some more opportunities for our offense. So, those are a few of the things that we'd like to see improve as we're going to go."

On what it does for a locker room that everybody is rallying behind their quarterback:
"Yeah, I think they feel also his support for others, for the prosperity of others. And you might see on a field goal, who's the first one out there kind of shaking the hands of the lineman and the people coming off? It was Jayden. And so he has that way about him that he creates energy and belief in others as well by the way he plays, the standard that he goes for it. Like I said earlier that we don't want him having and feeling there's any ghosts, anything here and just being the best absolute version of him. And so we wanted to make sure that was clear. We know how important the position is here to him, to the organization. But we also wanted to make sure, 'Be you and authentically you and do it in your own way.' And we've really seen that."

On the power of the team's momentum and confidence moving forward:
"I think it also goes to, I don't if you saw it on the sideline, but the way they were pulling for one another. The next group supporting the next group, supporting the next group. So as important as confidence is, when you have all three phases that are absolutely pulling for one another to go. Toughness and brotherhood can get you a long way. And the team is moving up into that to where that has to become our superpower, where their ability to look after one another, support one another, go hard for one another. That's where true confidence comes from, from making plays, and I loved seeing that on the sideline of guys jumping up. Sometimes you may want more stats, but if you see OZ [WR Olamide Zaccheaus], nobody could have been more excited for a catch by [WR] Noah [Brown] or a catch by [WR] Terry [McLaurin] than OZ. And he's somebody that's very intentional about how he goes about practicing and does a lot of the dirty work. So, for him to be out there on the hands team to catch the onside kick, I thought that's a pretty good spot for a guy who's real intentional about doing the hard things and support him one another, to be into that space. And everybody has a little role in all of this, and so the more you can do to support the guy right next to you on your left or your right, that's to me where this confidence and momentum can be built."

On any conversations with Daniels and Kingsbury about what it means to be back in Arizona:
"I haven't, honestly. We've just been digging in hard on getting ready. So, we haven't had a chance to visit with the players yet, and we certainly weren't talking about that last night, but it's a real thing and it's a good question by you to make sure, 'Hey man, my main thing is the main thing'. And I know what that feels like when you go back to somewhere that's different and playing that opponent. But honestly, those are things that are out of your control and what is in your control is your performance this week and making sure you absolutely go crush that. If you spend too much time on the things outside of your control or emotions from the past, it can really jam you up. And so I would encourage both of them if I felt that to make sure, 'Hey, man, just keep the main thing, the main thing,' which is the game this weekend."

On leaning on Kingsbury's experience to prepare for Arizona:
"Yeah, that's a different topic and you're on a good one to say, 'What are some of the things that really have gone well? What are some of the things that have struggled?' I think that happens a lot, not just with quarterbacks, but with coaches at one spot to the next, or even a player who was a teammate of somewhere and teammate of somewhere else. So, new system that would be what's different to say, you don't know what somebody's being taught or coached on a certain thing now, but you do know what they're capable of. And Kliff will definitely hint us on that. But watching the tape of [Arizona Cardinals QB] Kyler [Murray], it's pretty obvious what he's capable of and the playmaking abilities that he has, extending plays. So, a lot of it is pretty easy to see and hard to do."

On if there is a play Kingsbury has called so far that captures why he wanted to bring him on as Offensive Coordinator:
"Well, that's a good one. I think maybe early on, going forward on fourth down to extend our first drive, to go down to get points because Cincinnati came down and scored right away. So, for us to come back and go right down onto the next possession and get points, knowing that like, 'Hey man, we're about this fight today too. And we're here to bring it as well and we're going to be aggressive and take our chances when they come up.' So, I'd say probably just the way that the guys got ready. The first part, just assuming there was going to be some third and fourth downs that we had to go nail. So, that would be the one for me, right off the get go."

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