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HC Dan Quinn | 'It's an awesome challenge'


Washington Commanders head coach Dan Quinn addressed the media after practice on Sept. 21. Here is a full transcript of the press conference.

Opening Statement:

"All right, as we got to it on Friday and a lot of the Cincinnati prep completed now, the shift back to us and all the stuff that has to go. So, we're fired up. Get a chance to play on Monday night. It's an awesome challenge. The guys have definitely put in the work, and it'll be a great environment to play in. They present a lot of tough challenges, both sides of the ball, obviously an excellent kicker. So, be a good, hard road test and early in the year, one we're definitely looking forward to. Had a couple game captains for this week. OZ [WR Olamide Zaccheaus] will be on offense. I thought the guy just has demonstrated chasing better again and again and again. [LB] Bobby Wagner will be on defense. I thought just a couple words I was describing with him, just the consistency, the dependability, if you need something you look to Bobby. And his tackling, his hitting certainly going to be a presence this game. And then on special teams, [P] Tress [Way] will be a captain for this game. And the impact in our building goes well beyond being a great punter and he has a real presence for their guys. So, three really cool teammates to bring up to Cincinnati and be the game captains for this week. So, all that said, let's let it rip."

On CB Emmanuel Forbes' status for Monday:
"Yeah, so today was the first real day to get more action to go. We'll take it till Monday, but in this case, I would like to have seen more reps to go but we'll keep him available as he would be. But probably shooting more towards next week."

On DT Jer'Zhan Newton and on if his snaps will increase:

"Yep. Yeah, and he really had a good week, I really felt him. Sometimes you need that game, to get in, get the tackle, get hitting. And so today he was able to – or [I should say] this week I thought, really able to express himself. You felt the speed, you felt the movements. And we're excited to get him more reps."

On how the defensive gameplan changes with WR Tee Higgins expected to play:
"Yeah, you're right on the point. When you have multiple players to deal with, that's what makes it the challenge. So, how do you affect the quarterback to make sure that there's different ways to roll to one player, roll to another. If you got to put a double onto some, you do that. And so there's some disguise element, obviously, that goes with it. But yeah, you have to use the whole compliment of tools when you got bookends as strong as these two."

On DE Clelin Ferrell:

"Yeah, well actually yeah, [Ferrell's] knee has just not turned like we'd hoped this week. So, he'll be out for the game. He's a warrior presence for us in terms of the toughness and all that he brings, but it just hasn't turned quickly enough for him to be fully him. So, we'll wait and see what that looks like for next week. But for this game, [Ferrell] will be out."

On what Ferrell being out means for the defensive end rotation:
"Yeah and ramps up more on some of the other guys. And they're definitely prepared to do that. More with [DE] Dante [Fowler Jr.] and that. So, it's nice to have the experience obviously that we do to be able to do that."

On if Ferrell being out makes it more challenging to coordinate rushes as a defense: *"No, I don't say that generally. I know that's a phrase people use, but it's an impactful guy on our team and so I never want to not show the regard for the person under the helmet. So, [Ferrell] is an absolute warrior for us. Good news is this is not something that's a long-term issue. Does it feel comfortable? No, but that's kind of our league where you have to make adjustments, and you have to go. Not everybody gets a whole season where everybody's in good shape physically. And that's part of the adjusting and the coaching to go with it. But the positive I'm taking from it is that it's not going to be a long-term issue. And one that if we can get under control and get back, then get back to being fully him."
On the message to QB Jayden Daniels before the game Monday night:

"Yeah, and we recognize like Monday night football, it's a lot of fun. It really is. And the environment's good. There's a stage on the field, it's a shit show of people out on the field before the game. It's awesome. It's like just chaos and crazy. And so for most of the guys, I wanted them to man, like enjoy the buildup for the game and then once it kicks off you go. But there is a buildup to go, and for he, and for the other rookies you go through firsts a lot. So this, and then the next first, and so first you have a Monday night game and you just keep checking. But yeah, that we'll have those discussions about playing to him, but it's kind of how he's built too. He's really answered those well before this game. And if he was somebody, like me, that was wanting to head butt the wall before you go out, I'd be nervous. But that's not him, you know? So, he has no D-Line background in him. He's one cool customer."

On DE Trey Hendrickson having a big game last week and on the plan against him for Monday:
"He certainly did. And that's not the first game that he has done that. We hold him in such high regard, about the style and the attitude that he plays with. And might be over the last two and a half or three years, he's been as productive as anybody rushing the passer. And so you're right to say like, not only us but all the teams, you circle on the gameplan to say, this is one that you got to be prepared for and going. It's a good matchup, one that's tough and you got to use all the tools to get there. But yeah, we hold him in very high regard."

*On DE Jamin Davis and on if he will be getting more snaps on Monday: *"It would be more. [DE] Javontae [Jean-Baptiste] I thought, is coming on as well. And so to see guys start to make their move, Javontae and Johnny [Newton] stood out to me specifically this week, their legs underneath them, the speed to go. And so it's great to see that we know early players you develop and you need time on task to go, but you have to go through those and battle good players. And the [Tampa Bay Buccaneers LT Tristen] Wirf's of the world and [New York Giants LT] Andrew Thomas' of the world and say like, 'These guys are highly skilled at what they do. And so you got to be on your point.' To say, 'Here's my one chance, I got to hit this one.' And so it's these great lessons that take place all during the games and that's where you gain experience and exposure. 'That worked, that didn't, how do I got to go about it?' And so that'll be the case again as in all these games for these guys."

On the areas where Newton and Jean Baptiste have progressed:
"I felt Johnny, I felt just his speed and athleticism here this week in practice, where he can move and change the direction so quickly for a big guy. And I would say with Javonte, I've really felt the pass rush starting to turn. He spent lots of time with [Defensive Line Coach] Darryl [Tapp] and [Assistant Defensive Line Coach] Ryan [Kerrigan] over the last weeks. And it doesn't come at once, these bursts, they happen again. I felt that with him this week. He'll get more reps, he's earned them, he's ready for it. And it's two excellent big tackles for them. So, different styles every week of people you go against. Like I said, good, hard road challenge. Man, one that we're really pumped about."

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