Hey there Redskins Fans!!
Jackie here...so excited to tell you about our last few days of tour 56. After an amazing experience in Kosovo and Italy, it's time for Spain.
Day 7
We Landed in the city of Jerez around 3pm. Lisa mcGonagle, civilian from MWR, was kind enough to pick us up and take us to Rota, where we will be for the next few days. Rota is a small beach town where the Atlantic meets the Mediterranean. Siganella is the name of the base where we visited. Although it's a Navy base, they also have marines, Air Force, and other military divisions. In total, around 6,000 personnel. Once we got settled, we Watched our boys (the Redskins) win at The Meet Point - a great little American pub in the center of the town, who was kind enough to stream the game for us. If you ever go, make sure you say hi to the owner Devon!
Day 8
We woke up bright and early and started the day with an amazing tour of the Navy destroyer ship, USS Ross. We had the privilege to tour actual Navy battleships, and meet a ton of sailors.
In the afternoon, we headed to roda high school and worked with the schools cheer team. We taught them one of our actual team routines, and they did an amazing job! We quickly headed to the all star flag football game. It was the All stars (men from all over base) vs marines.
Preforming at halftime with the girls was so much fun. This is the stuff that we live for! After the game, we got to preform with the amazing band, Natalie Stovall and the drive. Watching the concert after was a treat! Dinner at The Steakhouse, was a great way to finish our "family" trip.
Day 9
Today we left Rota and headed to Moron airbase, which is in the city of Seville. First we visited the MV 22. It's an awesome aircraft that flys like a helicopter, then flys like a plane. So the propellers change direction from vertical to horizontal. Similar to transformers. Used to transporting soldiers in and out of missions.
Next, we got to meet the commander of the base, Commander Carroll. We then headed to the field, and Cheered at the Air Force vs Marines flag football game. Tonight was our last actual preformance, which is so bittersweet. We all felt a bit sad that this amazing tour was ending. Tonight we Preformed our last full performance for the troops. To conclude our last night, Went to the town of Seville, (a location where Game of Thrones was filmed, which Intrigued us). We had a bit of time to sight see and have a last team dinner.
Needless to say, our Military tour in Europe was such an amazing experience, and one I will never forget. Thank you so much, Redskins fans, for following me, and the First Ladies of Football, on our journey through tour 56.
See you on game day and Hail to the Redskins!
XO, Jackie