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LB Bobby Wagner | 'It's been great being back with DQ'

Washington Commanders linebacker Bobby Wagner addressed the media after practice on July 29. Here is a full transcript of the press conference.

On where he feels his experience helps the most:

"Honestly, I think I study film a little bit better. I think I'm more productive in my study time. I think that's helped me last. The people that I talk to, a lot of the older guys that last a long time, they said lean on your film study, because that's going to help you keep [going]. So, I would say that's something I focus on."

On where he sees that translating to games:

"Just recognizing plays faster. I think too, it helps you help your teammates because you know where the plays are going so you can have them play faster. So, you have yourself playing faster and the guys around you playing fast."

On if the first day of pads is a big deal:

"It's a big deal, because it's you getting closer and closer to what a real game feels like. Also, you have to understand that for most guys, they haven't put pads on since the season ended last year and that's a long time. And so you're going to have a little rust, but this is that time to get that rust out and start getting into that game mode."

On if anything stood out today:

"I just think how fast we were playing and how much communication that we were having. I think we're communicating at a high level, in my opinion, [more] than normal. So, I think I like where we're at as far as our communication."

On how it's been being back with Head Coach Dan Quinn and the rest of the defense:

"Overall, it's been great being back with DQ has been amazing. I think the biggest thing is being back with [linebackers] coach [Ken] Norton. He's made those film studies so fun. The motivation, the joking, obviously you've been around a guy that knows you very, very well. And so he tells a lot of the older stories to the younger guys about what I was like when I first got into the league, and I think our point of view on it is a little bit different."

On what it's like to see the military supporting the team:

"Anytime they come out, I think it's amazing. I think what they do is really, really special. I think a lot of times people look at us, and think what we do is special but the things that they do, the things that they put themselves, their families [through] it's really special. So, you try to make it a big deal when they come out and they support and just show the love and appreciation that we have for what they do for us."

On what it means to build an identity at a position group:

"I think as far as the team, you want to figure out who are you going to be, and it's more so setting a standard and understanding what you're going to bring to the table every single day. Because once that standard's set, you have to live up to that. And so you have days where you may not hit that mark, and you should have the people around you tell you the truth and raise your level. And everybody's raised their level. As far as linebackers, we're the generals. You are the ones that everybody's looking at for the play call. We're setting everybody up, we're getting everybody lined up and we have to take pride in that. Being leaders, being the voice and being an extension of the coaches. And controlling the middle ,and making plays, and having fun, and bringing everybody together. I think we are in the middle for a reason and things in the middle keep everything together. So, that's kind of the identity that we start to form, not just with myself, but everybody that plays the linebacker position."

On how it feels to have teammates think of him as a leader:

"I think it's a blessing. I think I was blessed to be around a bunch of great men, great leaders and as you get older you have so many scars over your career, and something that you can't do when you're young is get that experience without having it. But, if you have an older guy that can share their scars, you can expedite your learning. And so that's what would help me in my journey, and so I feel like I just tried to do the same. There were a lot of people that helped me while I was coming up, like I said, linebackers like Ray Lewis [and] London Fletcher were gracious with their time. And so, I try to do the same and give back and try to share my experience and scars with anybody who has a thirst for knowledge."

On how the other veteran leaders have shown their knowledge so far:

"I think with [TE] Zach [Ertz], he's an amazing route runner and very, very smart. He understands coverages, he knows how to break away from your leverage. He knows what he needs to do to get himself open. So, going against him every day is going to do nothing but make you better. Same thing with [RB] Austin [Ekeler]. His routes, he can run the ball, he can come out of the backfield, pass the ball from the backfield, he can motion out and run receiver like routes in the slot, at the one. And so, for us it's a good thing because we get to practice against that every day and we'll be prepared when we go against backs and tight ends like that as we play."

On what he's seen from QB Jayden Daniels:

"Yeah, I mean the biggest thing is confidence. He's very, very confident and you want that in the quarterback. As you watch him, he gets more comfortable understanding where the routes are going to be, getting comfortable with the receivers that he is throwing to. I feel like he's in a really, really great space and I'm excited for him to keep going and it's going to be fun to watch him play this season."

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