The Washington Redskins Charitable Foundation, in partnership with Fear 2 Freedom (F2F), assembled care packages for victims of child abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault on June 15, 2015.

Washington Redskins rookies, veterans and staff members on Monday assembled care packages for victims of domestic violence through the Washington Redskins Charitable Foundation and Fear 2 Freedom (F2F).
The kits include new clothing, toiletries, childrens' toys, a "Freedom Bear" and storybook that serves as a counseling tool.

Beth Walters, forensic nurse at Riverside Health Systems, recently told Fear 2 Freedom, "I can't imagine doing the PERK (Physical Evidence Recovery Kit) exame without these F2F Kits."
The afternoon began Monday in the auditorium at Redskins Park, where all team representatives listened to a survivor of sexual assault prior to assembling the kits.
The F2F kits assembled by the Redskins players and staff will be distrivuted to the Inova Health System Ewing Forensic Assessment and Consultation Teams (FACT) and other local domestic violence shelters.
F2F was founded in 2011 by Rosemart Trible, a victim of sexual assault. She found that individuals coming to the hospital for treatment, or the PERK exam, after sexual assault do not realize that all of their clothes have to be kept for evidence.