Hey Redskins Nation,
My interest in the becoming a Washington Redskins Cheerleader started back in 2001 when I was just 6 years old. I was around the Redskins' community a lot as a child because my dad's company was a sponsor for the Washington Redskins Cheerleaders at the time. These women were the first memories I have of looking up to someone -- besides my mother -- and I knew one day I would be one of them.
I started to prepare for the 2019 WRC Auditions a year ago. I participated in the 2018 Training Program, attended Sideline Prep's Annual Pro Cheer workshop and went to several prep classes. I also had my amazing college coach Vicki Wells, Director of the VCU Gold Rush dance team, to help me with my outfits, look, clothes and interview skills. Another thing I did to prepare was hire a nutritionist to clean up my eating (Shh, don't tell anyone I have a sweet tooth). Going into the audition, I felt I had done everything I could do to prepare for the Washington Redskins Cheerleader auditions. I was leaving the rest up to fate, letting whatever happens, happen.

The first day walking into the stadium was one of the scariest moments that I can recall. Luckily during the prep classes I had made some friends, so having those women around the entire audition process really helped with my confidence. Knowing others were having the same fears and anxieties made me feel less alone. Without them I don't know how I would have made it through the two-week long auditions.
When the Final Showcase at the Howard Theatre finally arrived, I felt a sense of ease. I looked at the show as a way to show everyone, including the judges, all of the hard work I had put in to learning these dances and sidelines, and to just have fun dancing with all the amazing women I had met over the last two weeks. Going on stage to dance my first routine, I was so excited to rock it out. I was absolutely shocked when they had announced I had won the 2019 Rookie Voting before performing. It was a great way for me to find out, and my energy only increased from there.
At the end of the night, the team was announced. I was fortunate enough find out that I had made the 2019-20 Washington Redskins Cheerleaders. I feel extremely honored to be apart of this sisterhood, and I can already tell that these women will be my sisters for life.
Jordan S.