Russ Grimm was an offensive lineman--one of "The Hogs"--for the Redskins' Super Bowl XVII championship team. Read his recollections--in his own words--on John Riggins' 4th-and-1 play and the Redskins fans:
"We had a lot of new guys on the team in 1981. It was the changing of the guard from the Over the Hill Gang.
"We had four rookies starting up front, and we started out 0-5, so there were some second thoughts. Myself, as a player, I had second thoughts about we'd ever win a game, but we finished 8-8, rolled it into 1982 and made a Super Bowl.
"There, it's a short yardage play, where we bring a little wing back in motion. There's going to be one free guy and we want to get him running and give Riggo a head of steam.
"We got John around a corner and he did the rest. It was one of those great feelings when you make a block and hear the roar. You see No. 44 rolling down the sidelines.
"Riggins was special. They always said John went to the beat of a different drum. John, he's a blue collar player, and he was blue collar off the field. He drove his big yellow international pick-up truck. He wore his cowboy boots. John was John.
"Sore stories are true, but most of them get embellished a little bit because of who he is. I've been out with him. I've seen it happen.
"I think of 1982 and 1987, two Super Bowls, both strike years. What stands out? Playing with Washington was always special. It really was.
"Playing at that time, before free agency, teams were built where if you had a good group, you'd be good for a long time. Now with free agency, you don't get the dynasties.
"For me, Washington was special and it's always going to be a special place. I mean, the memories...the fans. That's the biggest thing. The fans make it special. There are some special fans in Washington."