Farewell Letter from Jen:
After three wonderful years with the Washington Redskins Cheerleaders, I have decided to hang up my pom poms. This decision wasn't an easy one. Looking back on all the memories, performances, and friendships, these past three years, I know for a fact, will forever be some of the most influential years of my life.
I still remember walking onto the playing field at FedExField for the first time. I looked around the stadium and was humbled to be in the boots I was wearing. I also remember walking off the plane in South Korea, when we traveled overseas to support the men and women of our country on our Military Appreciation Tour. I remember the feeling of being completely energized by my fellow sisters, as we rocked the stage every year at our calendar release show. I can't help but smile while thinking of all the amazing experiences I've had as a Washington Redskins Cheerleader, and I can't wait to share all the stories I have with my children and grandchildren one day.
I would sincerely like to thank Stephanie Jojokian and Jamilla Keene for always pushing me to reach my full potential, and for giving me the opportunity to shake my groove thing every Sunday and for believing in me and my dreams. I would like to thank my strong, beautiful and intelligent sisters, because without them, I would not be who I am today. The support and love they've shown me throughout my years on the team will never be forgotten. Thank you for believing in me and accepting me for my fun and crazy quirks! Lastly, I would like to thank the fans! Without you, this experience wouldn't exist! You're the life of the party, and it's been an honor to represent you on and off the field!
Well Redskins fans, I may have made the decision to retire from the sidelines, but you will not be able to get rid of me that easy! Save me a seat in the stands, because I can't help but cheer on the greatest team in the NFL (who also has the greatest team of cheerleaders).

Farewell Letter from Tedi:
It's with a huge smile, and wonderful memories in my heart, that I'm saying farewell to the First Ladies of Football.
Four unbelievable seasons have flown by with the Washington Redskins Cheerleaders, yet I can't believe how many experiences were packed into that short blink of time. From cheering on a NFL field, performing on stages, impacting the lives of children, traveling the world, and building a network in all areas of this country, to an increased focus on personal health, and a new appreciation for the military, the Washington Redskins have given me opportunities that I never would've received in any other realm.
The most rewarding part of being a Washington Redskins Cheerleader was watching myself and my teammates grow as women in our speaking skills, leadership skills, talent, confidence and value sets. I'm thankful to our leadership - Stephanie Jojokian and Jamila Keene - for giving me room to grow and become a better version of myself.
I've learned many lessons over the past four years, but what stands out most to me is that every opportunity and moment truly becomes what you want to make of it. Going into uncomfortable or new experiences with a positive mindset, and willingness to learn, makes every moment purposeful.
Another valuable impact this team has had on me, is the realization that helping others succeed and reach their goals, is the most fulfilling way to reach your own. Inspiring others to do what they don't think they can do, lights your own fire to hold yourself to that same standard.
The reason why I was able to be part of the First Ladies of Football, and all of the joys and challenges that came with it, is because my parents trusted in me as I pursued the opportunity. It was a difficult decision to remain in this arena, despite being away from family and familiarity, but in the end, it carved new paths, and opened new doors that I believe will bring me to my fullest potential in every area of my life. Because they allowed me to do what I felt was best, I can confidently say I am happy. Seeing them in the stands at FedExField for the first time was the most joyful memory of my career!
I must make a priority mention of my sister, and the unconditional enjoyment she's had throughout my tenure with the Redskins. She's liked every photo, befriended every teammate, somehow got roped into helping with swimsuit calendar photo shoots and even a teammate's proposal! She's been my biggest fan and I love her for that!
Finally, I'd like to thank the entire Washington Redskins Cheerleaders organization, for giving me the most amazingly chaotic four years of my life!