*Farewell Letter from Rachel: *
Hi Redskins Nation!
Sadly, this will be my last post to you all as a Washington Redskins Cheerleader. I have to say that these last six years have been the best years of my life, and I cannot believe how quickly time has flown by! To go from a Redskins Cheerleader Ambassador, all the way to a second-year captain and Pro Bowl representative, has been such an accomplishment for me and a dream come true. I have so many amazing memories from all of the calendar trips, Military Appreciation Tours, late night practices, promotions and of course game days! When I look back on it all, I can't help but smile, because even through the good times and the bad, I would not have changed one single moment of this experience. Another great thing is the bonds that I've made with all of the amazing women that I've cheered with over the years. I know those relationships will last a lifetime, and I can always call on my sisters whenever I need to.
If I had to pick my favorite memory as a Redskins Cheerleader, it would have to be when I went on my first Military Appreciation Tour to Afghanistan in 2014. That was such a humbling and life changing experience, along with being a once in a lifetime opportunity. I've always had a great deal of appreciation for the men and women of our military, but after going overseas to witness it first hand, I could not be more honored to live in such a great country! I hope one day I can continue to travel and support our military in some way.
Before I go, I have to say thank you to my biggest supporters, and number one fans, my parents! Without their love and guidance, this dream of mine to become a Washington Redskins Cheerleader would not have come true. They came to every home game, performance, and event I ever participated in and I truly appreciate their support. I love you Mom and Dad! Also, I'd like to give a huge thank you to my directors, Stephanie Jojokian and Jamila Keene, for being amazing role models and helping to mold me into the woman that I am today. You both were a big influence in my life, and I'm very grateful for your guidance and support over the years. Finally, thank you to all of the fans around the country that I've met during my time as a Redskins Cheerleader. You're all amazing, and I want you to keep supporting the best team in the NFL!
Hail to the Redskins!

Farewell Letter from Maya:
Hey Redskins Fans!
After six amazing seasons cheering alongside our Washington Redskins, it's time to bid you all farewell. As much as it saddens me to close this chapter of my life, I know it's just the beginning of a beautiful journey to my next destination. I want all of you to know that my time spent here with the Washington Redskins Cheerleaders has been some of the best times of my life. I'd like to share just a piece of my journey as a Washington Redskins Cheerleader with you, along with some of the most important things that I've learned. After six years of growth and learning, I've finally grasped the meaning of true fulfillment, which is to live selflessly, for my teammates and for all of you guys. I was 18-years-old when I made the team, and had the privilege of growing and maturing into the woman that I am today because of this organization. I was always looking for a way to be fulfilled, but had no idea what that really entailed. Needless to say, being surrounded by such powerful women has helped me in my personal development, and it's completely changed my life!
I've been a part of five Military Appreciation Tours, and six calendar shoots, as I've traveled to over 15 countries. I've also had the honor of being a captain for two years. In addition, I've gone to many professional cheerleading conventions and met countless numbers of empowering women. The icing on the cake for me this past season was when I received the Legacy Award. Although my accomplishments on this team have been rewarding, my most memorable experiences were from the relationships I formed with my teammates, who are my sisters for life!
I recently got married, so when my DJ played "Hail to the Redskins," you know all the Redskins Cheerleaders, both past and present, were on the dance floor! I had a moment when I looked around and saw all my lifelong friends beside me. As they all crammed on the floor, I was filled with such joy, knowing that these women have been by my side through many seasons of my life. This organization has created a second family for me, and I'll forever be grateful for the relationships that I've built and the experiences that I've gained. I may be saying farewell, but I want to thank the Washington Redskins organization for giving me the tools to write my next one.
Thank you all for the endless love and support that you've shown me throughout these six years!