The Washington Redskins Cheerleaders are in their third season for their annual Training Program. The 2014-15 team boasts forty-five young and talented ladies joining us to train on Wednesdays from September – December of this year. The program is being lead by Captain & 2014 Pro Bowl Cheerleader, Maigan and Assistant Director, Jamilla Keene.
Throughout this season they will learn three unique dance routines that emulate the style and technique of on-field routines performed by the Washington Redskins Cheerleaders. Redskins Alumni Cheerleaders, Kelly Allen & Ashley Clausnitzer are two of our guest choreographers for the season along with a routine taught by WRC captain Maigan . The participants in the program will also learn three additional routines at our Open Classes this season taught by alumni, Megs Early, Tecoya Gordon and Jamilla Keene. Along with choreography, participants have the option to take additional technique sessions and are trained each week by Jason Fuller from Xtremely Fit.
Our training program over the past three seasons has helped ladies to prepare for auditions early and receive guidance and tips from all of the above alumni, trainers and directors. Several ladies have become Washington Redskins Cheerleader or Washington Redskins Ambassadors. Currently we have 18 Cheerleaders and Ambassadors that participated in the program. Jennifer, one of current Redskins Ambassadors' says "Training Program is really the best thing you could do for yourself if you want to be a part of the WRC family. The 12-week Training Program is life changing. You learn to work with 40 girls and they truly become your teammates, not by only performing together but during your workouts with Jason Fuller. In Training Program you will be introduced to the WRC style of dance and learn the ins and outs of the dedication needed to becoming a Washington Redskins Cheerleader. You will receive the opportunity to learn from the WRC Veterans AND Alumni, which is quite unique. Joining the Training Program, really gives you a leg up for WRC Auditions, which is only about 150 days away! If you happened to miss the sign-up date for Training Program, please attend the open classes which are posted on the website. See you in the studio."
For more information and to register for our final Training Program Open Classes, go to