A morning roundup of what the local and national media have to say about the Washington Redskins on Friday, Dec. 4, 2015.
All reports, rumors and conjecture are a reflection of the media conversation and are not endorsed or confirmed by the Washington Redskins.
A look back at some of the top images in games between the Washington Redskins and Dallas Cowboys.

-- In his daily "Need To Know," CSN Mid-Atlantic's Rich Tandler writes that the Redskins aren't concerned with the fact the Cowboys have more rest going into Monday because they played on Thanksgiving.
-- Former Redskins general manager Charley Casserly thinks the Redskins will make the playoffs.
-- Kirk Cousins isn't quite ready to change his leadership style just yet writes CSN Mid-Atlantic's Tarik El-Bashir.
-- Tandler has these three options for DeSean Jackson and the Redskins for 2016.
-- The Washington Times' Anthony Gulizia says that the Redskins' defense is excited to face the Cowboy offense without Tony Romo.
-- ESPN's John Keim reports that Perry Riley Jr. hurt his foot during Wednesday's practice.
-- Keim looks back on the Redskins-Cowboys rivalry with some of the best moments away from the field.
-- MMQB.com's Robert Klemko has this feature on Kirk Cousins the perfectionist.
-- The Washington Post's Master Tesfatsion writes that the Redskins put bulletin board material all over the locker room and in the meeting rooms.
-- DallasCowboys.com's Nick Eatman has a look at both the Cowboys and the Redskins as they move closer toward Monday night's game.
-- DallasNews.com has 10 things fans should know about the Redskins this year.
-- BleacherReport.com's James Dudko says that the Cowboys' defense could create problems for the Redskins.
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