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Wake Up Washington | Brian Robinson's teammates want to rally around him as he begins recovery


Charles Leno echoed the same sentiment that the rest of the Washington Commanders organization has given when asked about Brian Robinson: football does not matter right now. 

"It's a difficult thing," Leno said to media members in the Commanders locker room. "It was very shocking news that we all received." 

Robinson was shot twice after an attempted robbery in northeast Washington, D.C. on Aug. 28. Fortunately, the reports of his recovery have all been positive, and after a successful surgery, he was at the team facility to visit with his teammates. 

Leno and the rest of the Commanders know that he will be back on the field at some point, but in the meantime, they want to rally around him and offer any support he needs. 

"We just care about him as a person," Leno said. "We care about his livelihood. We care about his mental health. We care about all those things … Now, we just hope the best for him." 

Physically, Leno knows that Robinson is going to recover. According to reports, the bullet that went through his knee did not inflict any structural damage, which is shocking to Leno but also a relief for Leno and the rest of Robinson's teammates. 

Robinson's mental recovery is just as important to Leno. It was a traumatic experience, Leno said, and he hopes that Robinson continues to talk about how he feels. 

"You don't want that to be bottled in [when having] those tough days. I want him to know people care about him and people are here for him." 

Leno said "it was great" to see Robinson back at the facility. It was an emotional moment, according to head coach Ron Rivera, as the rookie was able to personally express his gratitude for his teammates' support. 

"When they actually got to see him, I think that really kind of put a lot of their minds at ease," Rivera said. 

Robinson is alive, which is the most important factor, and Leno is glad that he is still able to do what he loves. Of course, that includes being "a hell of a football player," but it also means being a good teammate as well as a brother and a son to his family. 

"He's such a great young man," Leno said. "He just has this spirit about him, just this uplifting spirit, and I love everything about him."

Here's a morning roundup of what the local and national media have to say about the Washington Commanders on Wednesday, August 31, 2022. All reports, rumors and conjecture are a reflection of the media conversation and are not endorsed or confirmed by the Washington Commanders.

The reports and deals expressed in this article have not been confirmed by Washington, nor do they reflect any insider information from anyone in the front office.

The Washington Commanders were back on the field Wednesday afternoon to prepare for their Week 1 opener against the Jacksonville Jaguars. Check out the top photos from the day. (Photos by Emilee Fails and Kourtney Carroll/Washington Commanders)

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