–Doug Williams To Be Inducted Into Buccaneers Ring of Honor
–Williams, Ervins Make Library READesign A Success
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Remember writing about a famous person as a young student? Maybe you drew their picture or wrote a small biography about them?
That was the assignment for some second graders at Capitol Heights Elementary School this month. Small essays accompanied by clay and fabric sculptures of famous Americans lined a display case in one of the school's hallways.
One of them featured Redskins Super Bowl XXII MVP Doug Williams.

So when Williams walked into the same school to assist in a library redesign on Wednesday, naturally he was drawn to the display case, reading his miniature biography and admiring the figurine.
"I was just standing there reading it and they call the kid [who wrote and created it] out of the room," Williams said. "He came flying down and he was hyperventilating. We took pictures, he went back to the classroom, put his hands over his face. I think he was actually crying. For a guy that young to be so excited, that's truly amazing."
Or maybe it was destiny.
Not a bad Thursday for a second grader.