Redskins players reacted with surprise, anger and indifference after learning their Madden 17 ratings on Wednesday.
Redskins players reacted to their skill ratings in Madden 17 with excitement, indifference, and some colorful opinions on Tuesday at the Bon Secours Washington Redskins Training Center in Richmond, Va.
The Washington Redskins conducted their sixth day of training camp practice Wednesday, August 3, 2016 at Bon Secours Washington Redskins Training Center in Richmond, Va.

Inside linebacker Will Compton wants it on record that he is not happy with his Madden rating.
"We shouldn't be rated that low," Compton said of him and fellow linebacker Mason Foster. "They better get it corrected."
Compton was irked at his and Foster's ratings for awareness and play recognition -- two things they excel at on the field. Compton, a 70 overall in Madden 17, plays Madden every year and would like to see his ratings rise in the next update.
"I don't know, I would say at least a respectable upper 70, lower 80s," Compton said. "That's reality, though, in my opinion...they got (Panthers linebacker Luke) Kuechly as a 99 and we're down there in the dumps!"
Compton did find solace in the fact that his ratings for speed, agility, strength and acceleration are all higher than Foster's.
"That sounds about right," Compton said with a smile.
Foster does not play Madden very much anymore, and is far more concerned with EA Sports getting his outfit correct than his skills.
"As long as they have me looking right in the game, that's what matters," Foster said. "The visor on, spat, nice gloves. You can always change your stats, you know what I mean? But they've got to have me looking right in the game so when somebody looks in the game they can see what I look like on the field."
Growing up, Foster played Madden all the time. He proudly admitted to changing every one of his stats to 99 and playing his character as defensive end and quarterback, choosing to run around the edge on offense. (An ethically questionable strategy, to say the least.)
Cornerback Bashaud Breeland was incredulous when asked what rating he wants to earn for next year. "I want to be a 99!"
Breeland's ambition is no surprise considering he has said that he wants to be the best defensive back in football.
"Everything is a stepping stone," Breeland said. "I improved from what I've been before, but I'm going to keep improving. It's another hurdle I've got to get over."
He also shared his thoughts on fellow cornerbacks Josh Norman, Jonathan Allen and Quinton Dunbar, who all clocked in with a 90 speed rating.
"I think I have to give it to Quinton Dunbar on straight line speed," Breeland said. "If you want to put quickness and agility in there, I have to give it to a tie between Josh and Kendall."
Dunbar is tied for the third best acceleration rating in the game with a 95, but he was unsure of how to react to the news.
"I guess it's an honor," he said.
On offense, the Redskins boast one of the fastest tight end groups in the game with four players -- Jordan Reed, Vernon Davis, Niles Paul and Derek Carrier -- rated with 86 speed or higher. Davis has long been one of the fastest tight ends in the Madden series.
"Last time I checked, this summer I ran a 4.36," Davis said. "I can still run."
Linebacker Ryan Kerrigan is one of seven players in the game with a 99 stamina rating, a distinction that is unsurprising considering his dedication to the Redskins' offseason workouts.
"That's a reflection of the hard work I put in to be in shape," Kerrigan said. "and with Madden, it's cool anytime you're involved in a videogame."
Growing up, Kerrigan bought the new edition every year, playing with random teams as well as the Indianapolis Colts squad he grew up rooting for.
"I definitely pride myself on being able to stay on the field as long as possible," Kerrigan said. "and to see that reflected, even in a small way like that, is cool."
That sentiment echoes the thoughts of many Redskins who understand that, at the end of the day, a videogame isn't something to get too worked up about. "It's a blessing to see yourself on there no matter what your stats are, that's why it doesn't really mean too much," Kerrigan said.