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It's the holiday season, which means the lines for Santa at the local shopping mall have commenced. Some people get up for this day because it's their one chance to ask for what they really want (remember "A Christmas Story"?).
But for those without full cognitive functions to realize what the man in the red suit and white beard is all about, waiting in line at a mall can be quite a snooze. That was literally the case for 6-month-old Zeke, who went with his parents to meet Santa at a mall in Evansville, Ind.
When the family reached the front of the line, Zeke had passed out and fallen asleep in his stroller.
"We discussed leaving and then returning later," Zeke’s father Donnie told Yahoo. "But then a mom behind them advised sticking around because the Eastland Mall's Santa was a veteran who had a particularly unique approach to dealing with sleeping babies."
Santa approached the couple and asked if they would carefully put Zeke on top of his belly to make it appear as though both he and the youngster had fallen asleep reading a book together.

The family returned to the mall the next weekend to share with Santa how his photo had gone viral -- just about every lifestyle and news blog picked up the story. Zeke, of course, slept through this exchange, too.
However, what's that on the stroller? A Redskins blanket.
Might Zeke be getting conditioned as a Redskins fan? Not a bad time to start.