-- Five Faves Of '15: Redskins Dance Moves
-- Five Faves Of '15: #YouLikeThat Moments
The Redskins had a lot of stuff to remember in 2015.
Now that we've reached the end of the season, the Redskins Blog will select its favorite things from Redskins fans, players, coaches and team personnel over the last 12 months.
We'll continue with our five favorite Instagram posts from linebacker Will Compton.
1. The Jersey Swap:
This photo epitomizes the relationship between Will Compton and Mason Foster. After the Redskins clinched the NFC East in Philadelphia, the duo, who became very close over the last several weeks, decided to swap jerseys, instead of with the opposing team, as is usually the custom. This, of course, also just shows off Compton's sense of humor, something he shares often on his Instagram.

2. The Pedicure:
Back in the spring after workouts, a bunch of players went out to get some pedicures. Maybe this seems effeminate for a football player, but this is actually a common day out for some guys who need their feet rubbed and cleaned. A group outing to the salon, however, isn't as typical, which makes this photo that more amazing.

3. The Gun Course:
Compton's Instagram account is private, so the video to this gun course can be seen here. "Get-to-d CHOPPA!!!!" he captions. Though, this video and obstacle course feels more like John McClane than The Terminator. Either way, Compton takes it very seriously, and kind of looks like a natural at doing this stuff, whatever this stuff actually is.

4. The Lion:
Here's where Compton's humor and winking eye come out. I mentioned previously that some players really enjoy posting photos of big cats to their Instagram accounts. It's a mentality, I suppose. Instead of playing along, Compton makes it a joke. "#FlashbackFriday to when I hunted and killed a Gazelle," he writes. Then he comments "First comment," followed by "I'm the lion," just to make it clear. Never change, Will.

5. The Photoshop:
Here is a prime example of two Nebraska products having fun with each other. This is actually tight end Niles Paul's body from when he ran the 40-yard dash at the combine. Compton took the photo and planted his head on top of Paul's body. "#TBT to my combine day. Spray tan on point," he captions. Pretty solid photo editing skills.

More Five Faves Of '15:
-- Redskins Vines -- J. Hatcher's Instagrams -- D. Jackson Instagrams -- Video/Photo Bombs -- Jersey Swaps-- Post-Game Photos-- Custom Cleats-- #YouLikeThat Moments-- Redskins Dance Moves