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A son took his father skydiving the other day for his old man's 57th birthday.
Above, you'll see a shot which the son captioned, "the infamous before photo."

This of course raises some questions. Both men are smiling, so it's hard to tell which person wanted to make this epic fall from the sky and which one was obliging the other.
This is one of those "gifts" that could turn out to be the opposite depending on how dad takes a leap of faith.
Then we got this epic in-air photo. It's nice to see the Redskins T-shirt taking center stage, too.
"We made it, what an experience... I'll never do it again. I was more nervous than I thought I'd be lol," the son wrote afterward on an obligatory photo afterward.
Both men are smiling again, which means Father's Day is already covered with this comprehensive, once-in-a-lifetime present.
Unless of course those smiles are strictly for the photo.
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