We have a winner for Robert Griffin III's signed cast that raised proceeds for the "Family of 3" Foundation, and he's a diehard Redskins fan: Rich Bruno.

–[Robert Griffin III Launches His Foundation
–PHOTO: Teammates Sign Robert Griffin III’s Cast
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We have a winner for Robert Griffin III's signed cast that raised proceeds for the "Family of 3" Foundation, and he's a diehard Redskins fan.
Over the last few weeks, fans had their chance to bid on the cast that covered Griffin III's ankle following a Week 2 injury vs. the Jacksonville Jaguars.
After bidding closed on Friday, Rich Bruno was announced the winner of the cast.
Bruno wrote on Facebook that the Redskins have always been his first love, but now being enrolled in podiatry school as well, the opportunity to win the signed cast was an opportunity he simply couldn't pass on.
19 months ago, I enrolled in podiatry school. At that moment, what I loved most in life was the Redskins. They're still a huge part of me. As time has gone on though, my life has been consumed by feet, and I have loved every second of it. I love feet. I love podiatry. I love the thought of making a difference in so many people's lives. I am also a huge RGIII supporter. When he had the misfortune of dislocating his ankle, I initially fell to the fetal position and sobbed. A lot. Then, I realized something. All of my loves in life had combined into a singular moment. I squealed like a school girl thinking about how one day, maybe I could be that specialist a player sees. It makes me want to be my very best.
Bruno also expressed his excitement on Twitter (@RedskinsRich) and "Family of 3" responded: