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During Sunday's season opener against the Miami Dolphins at FedExField, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan was in attendance with Cool Kids Campaign, a non-profit organization devoted to improving the quality of life for children with cancer and their families.
Hogan – along with four kids wearing "Hogan Strong" shirts – were on-field during the second quarter to bring awareness to Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
Recently diagnosed with late Stage-3 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Hogan was greeted by Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III who simply wanted to know how he's doing.
"RGIII went out of his way to come over to me yesterday and say, 'How are you feeling governor, how are your cancer treatments going?' He said, ' I wasn't sure how to reach you but I have really been thinking of you and praying for you. I know you are going to beat this thing.' I don't care who you think the quarterback should be, or if you don't even like the Redskins, I'll tell you this, Robert is a very nice, decent and positive young man. I told him I knew he was going through a tough time too, that I was thinking of him and wishing the best for him and better times are ahead for him too!" Hogan said in a Facebook post.
In April, the two joined forces to kick off the new "Stop Bullying In Its Tracks!" campaign.
Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III and Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan spoke at the "Stop Bullying In Its Tracks!" event at Six Flags America April 2, 2015, in Upper Marlboro, Md.
