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Will Compton was just recently named the Redskins' starting middle linebacker. But really, he's been dressing like one all season long.
"Skins Style" looks back over the course of the Redskins' away games and lets a player analyze some of his trip attire from this past season.
Always excited to discuss fashion, Compton sat down to give us a window into his wardrobe.
Suit Designer: Billy Grey Custom Clothier, St. Louis, Mo.
Key accessory: Sunglasses
"I have some brown accented Ray Bans and a black tinted Prada. It kind of just depends if I'm going brown belt, brown shoes, gold watch, or if I have the black shoes, black belt. That all kind of depends to go with it."

Week 5: Atlanta
"I was pumped to wear the shirt with the gold tie because it has gold pattern in it, so I knew the tie and everything would really standout and, you know, gold, yellow, red -- that's like a power color, so I was really excited about that week."
"You see he got that little Johnny Bravo going, I call it the classic swirl," defensive end Jason Hatcher says. "He puts a lot of mousse in it. It takes him about 15 minutes to get that all going. Then he starts picking out his shoes...he got the shades on, he got the Beats by Dre, suits coordinated, look at that smile. That's a classic man smile."

Week 6: New York Jets
"That was a huge move. That was a huge move for me right there. That was a big move because I had just bought joggers and I had got the joggers idea from Keenan Robinson and I had seen my buddy Ameer Abdullah wear them before (he plays for the Lions), and I got these new boots and I knew that they were higher boots, high top boots, so I got a pair of joggers so I knew you can't just go in blind with something like that and know it's going to be OK.
"You either go in and it's going to be completely shut down or it's going to be something new. Kory [Lichtensteiger] and a few guys really liked that style because I buttoned the top button, I didn't go tie either. I went the joggers, so I grabbed the ankle so you could really see the boots...[without the blazer], to me, it's more of a casual classic style."
Hatcher: "This is called 'Casual Classic', but it's still classic."

Week 9: New England
"Same gray suit [as Week 5]. What sucks right now is I have a blue suit and a gray suit. Sometimes I'll wear the blue with a different shirt and tie. Sometimes I'll go, like blue bottom, gray top, so I kind of switch it up. Honestly I only have two suits, I just have a lot of mix-and-match shirts and ties.
"I always feel good because I had a nice fade going, a nice lineup. I always like walking by Ry Guy [Ryan Kerrigan] because we know pictures will get taken, so we like to do that."

Week 11: Carolina
"I never really think about [the colors of an opponent]. I'll just walk in the closet and see what I'm feeling. See what might impress my fellow "classic man," Ryan [Kerrigan], [Jason Hatcher]."
Hatcher: "That's a lot going on right here. And this right here, man, I call that 'Hollywood Classic'. He's just happy man; he's in the zone right now of being a classic man."

Week 14: Chicago
"I have the gold watch going, the brown belt, brown shoes. I like brown. I like wearing the brown color. You do have to be conscious of going brown with a gray suit. You need to have the right accent. You need to have the right colors with it."
Favorite outfit?
[Week 5 Atlanta]: "I'm a big fan of that one because I think I got the most compliments on that tie, and honestly I wore that same tie last week, didn't hear as much, but again that's because you got the little accent and it's because of the shirt -- it really makes that tie standout and I had so many compliments on that tie. I also got a lot of compliments when I wore the pink bowtie. I think it was Week One. People really loved the pink bowtie."