Hear from Washington Redskins Cheerleader Dreux, as she describes her rookie experience during the Redskins' Draft Day Party!
Hi there Redskins Nation!
I hope you all had an amazing weekend! Mine was filled with excitement, laughter, and making memories with my teammates. And just like THAT my very first draft day has come and gone! I've been envisioning this day since the second I heard my number called the night of final auditions! This would be the first time I would be able to share the stage with my fellow Rookie sisters. To think that just one month ago we were getting ready for auditions and now we have completed our first full team performance is a truly a dream come true!
After many practices preparing for our first performance as the 2017-2018 WRC team, we were able to share an awesome day with all of you wonderful fans! What most people do not get to see is how we as a team prepare for these events. On Friday night, we were lucky enough to be able to practice on the field. For some, this may not seem like a big deal, but for my fellow rookies and me it would be there very first time we would be walking onto our home field. As we walked out together (I was hand in hand with my fellow rookie Katy), we were all overcome with gratitude and eagerness. As we stood and looked around, all we could do was smile and realize that we had finally made it. It was such an indescribable feeling and something we will all carry with us for the rest of our cheerleading careers.
Now back to Draft Day. We started the day off with various events, such as cheering on the 5k runners, or signing autographs in the Craft House on Club level. No matter where we were, you could feel the amazing energy and excitement of everyone involved in the day.
Finally, it was the moment we had prepared for! SHOWTIME! This would be the first time that we shared the stage not only as a WRC Rookie class, but also as the entire team. My Rookie class, which consists of 11 amazing women, has spent the last few weeks learning and perfecting a Rock N' Roll themed routine that has been danced by the Rookies at Draft Day for many years. To be able to carry on a tradition that has been paved for us by such amazing woman before us was such an honor. As we approached the stage, we knew that this was it! This is what we have practiced and prepared for. I can honestly say we left everything we had out on that stage!
I spent the last year as a Washington Redskins Cheerleader Ambassador so I already knew how amazing our fans were, but I never experienced them in this capacity and they definitely did not disappoint! They truly are the best fans in the NFL and cheered us on throughout every second of the day! Thank you so much to my coaches, teammates, captains, and especially YOU ALL, the fans, for an unforgettable first Draft Day! What an amazing way to start my WRC experience! Let the countdown to Game 1 begin!